Several of my friends posted a blog that deeply troubled me.
This blog stirred up such a deep concern in my heart that I felt it necessary respond
in a pleading way. If you haven't read this blog, the rest of this won't make
sense. My blog is directed to my fellow Evangelical Bible believing
Christians. If you do not fit this category, you may find this helpful, but it
is not necessarily for you. There will be some controversial statements made in this post. Please don't read this in an attacking tone from someone looking to pick a fight. Please read this in the tone of a concerned
brother, because I am very concerned.
There are so many issues to address that I am only going to
address the most important one. Really this whole thing boils down to the
sufficiency of scripture and whether or not the Bible is what it says it is.
But even this topic of the reliability of scripture, in all of its importance,
is not the topic I am going to address. I am going to talk about Jesus.
This is why the blog is so troubling to me. As soon as
people start to say things like, "The Jesus I worship" or "My
Jesus" what they are in fact doing is saying they believe in a different
Jesus than someone else. In this instance the author is making a distinction
between the Jesus he believes in as opposed to the Jesus Ken Ham believes in.
This is a giant red flag. I cannot stress how important this issue is! Here is
2 Corinthians 11:1-6 "I wish you would bear with me in a little foolishness. Do
bear with me! For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband, to
present you as a pure virgin to
Christ. But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his
cunning, your thoughts will be
led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For
if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or
if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you
accepted, you put up with it readily enough. Indeed, I consider that I am not in the least inferior to
these super-apostles. Even if I
am unskilled in speaking, I am
not so in knowledge; indeed, in every way we
have made this plain to you in all things." (emphasis mine)
Galatians 1:8
"But even if we or an angel
from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to
you, let him be accursed."
Now, even
though I could go into how Paul talks about Adam and Eve and the Serpent as
historical fact (I do find it incredible how he mentions the beginning of the
Bible as alongside people preaching a different Gospel and a different Jesus...
hmmmm....) I will not expound on that, but talk about claims of who Jesus is.
Just because people say they believe in Jesus does not mean they believe in the
correct Jesus of the Bible. Mormans believe in a Jesus, Muslims believe in a
Jesus, Jews believe in a Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a Jesus, Christians
believe in a Jesus, and the list goes on. But which one is the correct Jesus?
The key to
understand here is that when we hear people talk about Jesus, we must look to
scripture to see if this Jesus they are talking about is a Biblical Jesus. If
we do not, then we may be deceived into believing a false Jesus and false
This shows the
importance of scripture and why I am so troubled with this blog. Scripture
makes me look at the blog and see the author suggesting that he believes in a
different Jesus than Ken Ham. The author actually admits he doesn't know the
God that Ken Ham believes in. He states, "And so when Ken Ham and those of
his ilk stand up and proclaim that Evolution and modern science is 'opposed to
God', I am left to wonder which God he's talking about." He also states,
"He is the God who I believe is behind all scientific discovery. But
apparently, Ken's God is not."
This is a huge
claim to make, because by scriptures standards, this is the difference between
a true and false prophet. The author has just "accursed" (to use
Biblical language) Ken Ham of preaching the wrong Gospel/Jesus. Let's look at
the claims the author makes about who his Jesus is.
1. "The
Jesus I worship doesn't offer me scientific explanations about the world around
me." I am ok with this statement, but it comes with lots of assumptions
about the other side. The Bible is not a science textbook (Ken Ham does not
believe the Bible is a science textbook either) but the Bible does give
explanations as to how things came to be. These two things are different. The
Bible records the event, not the molecular formula's or chemistry behind
2. "The
Jesus I worship is the being which all things were created, seen and
unseen." This is in agreement with Genesis 1 and 2 and also Colossians
3. "He is
the Lord of the sciences." Absolutely true! See verses above.
4. "He is
the creator of the Evolutionary process." Well that's a big statement. I
wish he used some sort of Biblical evidence for this. Here we come back to the
sufficiency of scripture. Is the Bible what it says it is? This will be an
extremely controversial statement. If evolution is true, then God is a liar, or
at best He has deceived us. Why do I believe this? We have the Genesis account
in Genesis 1 and 2. Genesis 5 talks about God creating man and gives a genealogy
with lots of details about people lives. Is this truly history, or is God
deceiving us? Then we have lots of scripture, and Paul and Jesus who cite back
to the Genesis account as a historical happening (Matthew 19:4-6, 1
Corinthians 11:8-9 1 Corinthians 15:45, 2 Corinthians 11:1-6, 1 Timothy 2:13-14,
Jude 1:14). We have the New Testament genealogy that goes back to Adam (Luke
3:23-38). We have lots of teachings about marriage from Jesus where he cites
back to the creation account (Mark 10:6-8 is an example). The Holy Spirit
through Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 "For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the
resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ
shall all be made alive." Evolution says that death did not come through
Adam, because for evolution to happen there needs to be death in the survival
of the fittest and natural selection. This shows a fundamental understanding of
the Gospel and Christ's work relating back to the creation account and the fall
of mankind in Genesis 3. Belief in Evolution is to say that the Ten
Commandments are wrong when they state in Exodus 20:11 that God created all
things in six days. I could go on and list lots of scripture for all these
points, but they are literally all over the Bible. I find it sad, and telling
that the author never quotes a Bible verse to defend his points even though he apparently
holds to the inspired view of scripture.
5. "My
Jesus doesn't demand that I believe one theory or another about the origins of
life." While this may be technically true, this is quite a loaded
statement. This is basically saying, Jesus doesn't demand me to believe
everything he says in order to be a Christian. Wouldn't we, as Bible believing
Christians, want to believe everything the Bible says as trustworthy?
6. "My
Jesus is more concerned with the content of our character and how we love each
other than with our position on any scientific, political, or even theological
issue." Well there we have it. This is the authors Gospel message. Jesus
doesn't care about what you believe in, he just wants you to be a good person
of character and love people. This is a gospel of works. Jesus is very
concerned about what theological position people believe, in fact, it is the
deciding factor between eternal life in Christ or eternal death apart from
Christ. This statement the author makes is truly incredible. Jesus says in John
14:6 "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me." This is Jesus caring about our theology.
If the Bible is
truly the word of God, and God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), then the Bible is the
highest authority. Science is not more authoritative than scripture! Science
changes every day. Our understanding of lots of scientific things continually
change, so it would be silly to put science in authority over scripture,
especially if scripture is what it claims to be.
So hear my
plea. Let us please be discerning about people saying things like "My
God" and "My Jesus" when they talk. I am deeply concerned for
this author's heart. I am deeply concerned about your heart, and my heart. In
making this plea to you, I know I must also be on my guard to make sure the
Jesus I believe in is the true Jesus of scripture. I love you and care for you.
Thank you so much for this post! Very similar things were running through my mind during and after the debate when Bill Nye kept saying that we could believe in both God and science, but at the same time rejected God IN science. Many Christians DO believe in Evolution, which saddens me because they cannot in good conscience trust the rest of the Bible if they can't take the first few verses literally. It's no wonder that most of our teens abandon the church as soon as they leave home.