Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Science of Eternity

I am convinced that all peoples in all times and cultures have longed to live forever. This desire to live forever has manifested in a variety of ways during the course of human history. Some examples are the search to find elixirs, the fountain of youth, medication, heart transplants, and religion. In all these things, the main desire is the same, to live forever.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”

Eternity is in our hearts. We desire it. We want it. We search for it, but in all the wrong places. John Mark Mcmillan sings, “Everybody is driven for a fountain of youth, but sometimes in these fountains they drown” in the song “Chemicals” from his album Economy.

In recent American culture I believe the desire to live forever has manifested in the environmental movement. Let me explain. I graduated with a bachelor degree in Environmental science. During my Junior year I came to a new understanding of what Environmental science really is at its root. Environmental science is the science of sustainability. Environmental science is all about making things last. This is seen in the movement to protect natural resources from abuse, and the desire to find clean sustainable energy. Whatever is sustainable will ultimately last forever because it will never run out. Environmental science is the science of eternity.

It hit me that I was getting a degree in the science of eternity, and Jesus is the only one who truly grants eternal sustainability in that he freely gives eternal life in himself! Jesus gives living water that quenches eternal thirst (John 4:10-14) but many people are focused upon physical water that won’t quench our desire for eternity. I believe the massive environmental movement is simply a sign that the field is ripe for harvest. Be encouraged! People are seeking after eternity! They are just looking in the wrong place. I pray that we may be faithful ambassadors and disciples of Christ during this time of harvest.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Quickness (Another nugget from pre-marital counseling)

Applying the Gospel to marriage is essential. After all, marriage is supposed to be like the relationship between Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5). Without the Gospel there would be no relationship between Christ and the Church (Ephesians 2).

I want to focus on two things the Gospel allows in marriage.

The Gospel allows you and your spouse to quickly confess sin. This is made possible because God has already forgiven that sin through Christ. Sin that hasn’t been confessed will fester and boil over into more sin and conflict in the marriage. Living in the grace we are given in the Gospel allows speedy confession.

The Gospel allows you and your spouse to quickly forgive each other of sin. We know the Lord has forgiven us and our spouse in Christ. Who am I to withhold forgiveness if the God of the universe is able to forgive?

Be quick to confess. Be quick to forgive.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Blaming the Battlefield for the Battle

A lesson learned while in the midst of premarital counseling, reading, and studying about marriage before our upcoming marriage.

There is no such thing as “marriage problems” but there is such thing as sin problems.

To say one has marriage problems is to blame the battlefield for the battle, which is illogical. It is not the grassy knoll that has a problem, but the issue resides between the two sides which are waging war.

Marriage is the battlefield; the war with sin is the battle. And this battle with sin is fought within you!

Galatians 5:17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

The war is not with my spouse, but with sin.

Don’t blame circumstances for your behavior, and don’t use circumstances to justify your behavior. Be humble and look for the sin in your own life that needs to be repented of, and repent.